29 November 2011


@oqcoffee. #good.

27 November 2011

more seasonal squersh

I love squash.  I really do.  I am now fully appreciating fall/winter for all the varieties of this vegetable!
Roasted spaghetti squash with some butter.  From here, go either one of two distinct, both delightful ways:

1. top with fresh grated Parmesan, or any other hard cheese
2. top with sauteed onion, tomato, sweet peppers and a scootch of garlic. Optional: pasta (and not very much)

26 November 2011

fresh out of a brown paper bag

Ben found this brilliant idea to make leftover bagels that are frozen, as delicious (if not more--for their crispy outer layer) as the morning they were made:
Oven to 400F, frozen bagels inside, a few minutes later, bagel perfection.

Bagel Breakfast for lunch - complete with and egg,  bacon from the PA Dutch farm market +  fresh sliced cheddar. B for Brilliant!

Bouncing Berries a la New Jersey Pine Barrens

I heavily modified a recipe to make do with what we had, thus, resulting in a fresh cranberry orange-lime muffin, topped with toasted walnuts.
Next time: I won't sift the flour; use almonds instead; and generously fill the muffin tins for an overwhelmingly large muffin Top :]

23 November 2011

autumnus wintrus treats

as part of my "talent" that I would share (Ben played the guitar, Amy played the piano, dad played the violin.. you get the point), I opted for baking--- a sweet potato casserole with brown sugar pecaned topping (which ended up being the crowd favorite), and this experimental (sad?!) pie. 
pumpkin sweet potato Pie

21 November 2011

New: Complete Streets in New Brunswick..

and the rest of New Jersey, someday.

This Saturday AM kicked off with the dusting off of the bicycle (thankful that I have a stupendous husband that headed out to prep my bicycle that hasn't been unlocked for 3 months).

Civic Eye Collaborative is a new and unique consulting firm of transportation planners and a media art guru.  They're young, but I'm excited for what they will come up with to inform and empower NJ and other local communities to make getting from Point A - to - Point B.

Saturday AM proved to be the perfect weather to shoot some "b-roll" for a short video they are creating to show planners what little they can do to make a big difference in complete streets (for bicycling, especially).

Nothing interesting to see here, except a staged photo.  Mosey over to Civic Eye's web site for better images and more on their work, and perhaps in several months, the finished product.

on Franklin Blvd (Somerset); Dave, Brian, and David

20 November 2011

rustic apple pie

tis the season for apples; thus, tis the season for apple pie!  I'll say...I'm pretty proud of the lattice pie crust top.  It was all the more tasty shared with our MC.

09 November 2011

Acorns and Flying Saucers

Yes, that's right...
Acorns and Flying Saucers.

We took 'em and roasted 'em in the oven for a half an hour - 
     threw them in a soup of sauteed onions, garlic, carrots, and pears - 
  simmered for another half hour - 
     and pureed it just to the point that when you take in a spoonful, there remains an outstanding texture that allows you to still guess what may be in that delightful bowl of fall/winter squash.

raw materials, all from our backyard *high-five, Ben!*

squashed saucers and acorn.
f I had fresh cream, I woulduh dropped a dollop
of sour cream in the middle