21 November 2011

New: Complete Streets in New Brunswick..

and the rest of New Jersey, someday.

This Saturday AM kicked off with the dusting off of the bicycle (thankful that I have a stupendous husband that headed out to prep my bicycle that hasn't been unlocked for 3 months).

Civic Eye Collaborative is a new and unique consulting firm of transportation planners and a media art guru.  They're young, but I'm excited for what they will come up with to inform and empower NJ and other local communities to make getting from Point A - to - Point B.

Saturday AM proved to be the perfect weather to shoot some "b-roll" for a short video they are creating to show planners what little they can do to make a big difference in complete streets (for bicycling, especially).

Nothing interesting to see here, except a staged photo.  Mosey over to Civic Eye's web site for better images and more on their work, and perhaps in several months, the finished product.

on Franklin Blvd (Somerset); Dave, Brian, and David

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