09 November 2011

Acorns and Flying Saucers

Yes, that's right...
Acorns and Flying Saucers.

We took 'em and roasted 'em in the oven for a half an hour - 
     threw them in a soup of sauteed onions, garlic, carrots, and pears - 
  simmered for another half hour - 
     and pureed it just to the point that when you take in a spoonful, there remains an outstanding texture that allows you to still guess what may be in that delightful bowl of fall/winter squash.

raw materials, all from our backyard *high-five, Ben!*

squashed saucers and acorn.
f I had fresh cream, I woulduh dropped a dollop
of sour cream in the middle

1 comment:

  1. oh yum!! sounds delightful :)

    we miss y'all. think about you two often!
