15 September 2011

Summer is Out

the few days before summer officially ends, the sunsets rush off into the night faster than the day before

18:19p, new brunswick

14 September 2011

Because a Fresh Coconut is Better

....than a not fresh coconut...and heck, why not?!!

we ventured into the exotic fruit world and stood up to a wild coconut.  Ben was sure we would be able to crack it open.  It's amazing:  it has two tiny holes that "happen" to be perfect to puncture to let its silky, smooth, yet delicately thin and pure milk flow through.

Anyway, we had plans for this coconut, but it perfected itself with its leftovers serving as a perfect way to make non-dairy milk.


new brunswick

"the mighty Raritan" ...at sunset!

13 September 2011

Impromptu Fritter

I shredded two potatoes (one was purple) and made some Potato Fritters with Goat Cheese and heirloom cherry tomatoes as a last-minute-Oh-we-need-to-eat meal.  The goat cheese is from a small goat farm in Ithaca  (Ben insisted we stop in...glad we did!) and the tomatoes are from our Community (Shiloh) Garden in New Brunswick.  While the photo was snapped in a jiffy, they were more yummy than they look, and also last about all of a few minutes.  Observe:

Quick fried in a skillet  (just to seal the potato shavings), then baked at 400F for about 10 minutes.

11 September 2011

Paella Schellacked

Recipe Mash-up!  We took two recipes and came up with the following:

Chicken and Shrimp Paella
with roasted red peppers, onions, and eggplant (!)
with an array of carefully picked spices and seasonings

For the first time ever, I took a knife and scissor to poultry, thanks to Ben picking up a Cornish Hen ("heirloom", he calls it) from the PA Dutch Farmers' Market.  I bet people would eat a lot less meat (forget the emotional part of cutting into, and prepping the chick!), if only they knew how much work they had to do, and do it every time they wanted meat.

Anyhow, it was absolutely delicious.  I'm looking forward to the leftovers for lunch this week.

10 September 2011

Millions of Peaches...

Summertime in NJ, especially late-July and August is near-synonymous with peach season.  And the best thing about it is, you can get great, local peaches at every (yes, bold statement), EVERY farmers' markets!  There are more peaches than you know what to do with.  Ben has incorporated them into our morning smoothies, I've made a peach tart, and they are the perfect way to accompany and perk up a Swiss Chard salad (b/c Swiss Chard is intensely in bloom during this time as well).

So when its 80 degrees, rip up some chard, honey your peaches, throw together a light, oil/white wine vinaigrette, and chop up some almonds for a salad that even men will thoroughly enjoy in the summer!

August Summer Salad, 28 August

04 September 2011

Civilian Conservation Corps at work

we should put more money into doing stuff like this...make our assets more accessible, because it is too unfortunate a waste for people to be missing out on vistas such as these!

They built from this:


So you could see this:

02 September 2011


This is a pwHelms Bread recipe, which yields a TON of dough.  So what better way to use it up than to make tight, little cinnamon rolls that are perfectly crusty on the outside and unreasonably (yet deliciously) moist on the inside?

What would you make with extra (half-wheat, a little sweet) bread dough?