10 September 2011

Millions of Peaches...

Summertime in NJ, especially late-July and August is near-synonymous with peach season.  And the best thing about it is, you can get great, local peaches at every (yes, bold statement), EVERY farmers' markets!  There are more peaches than you know what to do with.  Ben has incorporated them into our morning smoothies, I've made a peach tart, and they are the perfect way to accompany and perk up a Swiss Chard salad (b/c Swiss Chard is intensely in bloom during this time as well).

So when its 80 degrees, rip up some chard, honey your peaches, throw together a light, oil/white wine vinaigrette, and chop up some almonds for a salad that even men will thoroughly enjoy in the summer!

August Summer Salad, 28 August

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