31 January 2009

Don't wear white...

after Labor Day or when cooking beets. Fortunately I had no problem :) but...I'm just sayin'. So I think in the future, I'll just eat beets plain, or with a sweet twist to it. Because the whole olive oil/onion/garlic combo just didn't do it for me.
From Blogger Pictures

Luckily I enjoyed a salad prior to the beet surprise, so cooking tonight was all together a + experience.
From Blogger Pictures

28 January 2009

gChat video is too easy.
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So fresh, so clean...

...I mean delicious. Thanks to David and his thoughtful efforts to make sure I'm eating well, I made a darn good dinner again tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. You're thinking, "How is that good? There is no MEAT involved!" Well, I just like my trees.
<--fresh mozzarella diced into perfect bite-sizes, chopped celery, marinated artichokes (which were so good I could eat them forever), drizzled some balsamic vinegarette, and sprinkled over a tad of parmesean, all over a crisp bed of baby romaine. Of course everything was organic (yikes) or manufactured conscientiously; I'd like to keep it that way. What could have made it better was...wait, nothing. Toss in a couple of grape tomatoes and that would be nice, but it was pretty fantastic this just like this.

I made some cous cous which was cooked up in a bit of olive oil and salt, then threw in a third of a cup of green onions and let it sit for a bit. If you wait a little longer, the green onions take over--and boy, do you want them to.

Another fine experience in simple food prep.

There's something strange, in the neighborhood...

There's usually not much to look at outside the window from the workout room, but last week something extremely neon and bright flashed in the corner of my eye. It looked something like this:
Between the chorale of horses and cowboy hats in the midst of snow, I thought I had ran myself into delirium right into the center of town of the Wild West during the late 19th c.--this proved to be false; it was actually just an act unloading for the Western Stock Show. Oh well, it was still really funny.

15 January 2009

Slumdog Millionaire.

Do yourself a favor, and...
don't even bother with the link but if you must, so you can get a taste for its equally praiseworthy soundtrack:

Finally got to see it, after several failed attempts w/ Jordan (we were never too sure that we'd actually see it until we were in the seats and even then, there were reasons to doubt our success. Nonetheless, we saw it and it was BOMB). 7:15p was sold out so rather than try and catch a 7:35p at another theatre we settled on getting tickets for the 9:35p showing and grabbed a beer at Wynkoop (B3k, a good dark). Good night.

11 January 2009

The sky is burning...again.

The GREs have proven to be nothing more than a(n un)necesary obstacle to confirm that I, in fact, can read, study and "be an analytical thinker which are all key in graduate school" (apparently). Anyhow, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, on top of last-minute decisions of applying to graduate school (for Urban Planning). The appication process, though tedious, has really led me to clarify thoughts and inchoate ideas of my future/career. All together, not a bad experience! In fact, I dare say it was kind of fun.

As if I haven't taken this shot enough times, here it is again. The sky burning: