28 January 2009

So fresh, so clean...

...I mean delicious. Thanks to David and his thoughtful efforts to make sure I'm eating well, I made a darn good dinner again tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. You're thinking, "How is that good? There is no MEAT involved!" Well, I just like my trees.
<--fresh mozzarella diced into perfect bite-sizes, chopped celery, marinated artichokes (which were so good I could eat them forever), drizzled some balsamic vinegarette, and sprinkled over a tad of parmesean, all over a crisp bed of baby romaine. Of course everything was organic (yikes) or manufactured conscientiously; I'd like to keep it that way. What could have made it better was...wait, nothing. Toss in a couple of grape tomatoes and that would be nice, but it was pretty fantastic this just like this.

I made some cous cous which was cooked up in a bit of olive oil and salt, then threw in a third of a cup of green onions and let it sit for a bit. If you wait a little longer, the green onions take over--and boy, do you want them to.

Another fine experience in simple food prep.

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