29 December 2011

it's a Panama City Beach holiday

A very warm, Happy New Year.  Welcome, 2012!

22 December 2011

sometimes life is just a movie

even when it's rainy, the sun, somehow, is peering through somewhere and everywhere (cue music):

19 December 2011


it was momma and papa Schellack's birthday...so I crafted some cards.  Simple and fun!

Christmas Wrapping

to accompany our very first Schellack Christmas Tree!!

made with re-used tissue paper, packaging paper, and raffia.

14 December 2011

memories of chocolat

I've been pining for chocolate lately (as I do every other eight days), and this called to memory the chocolate shops in Lucca Italy.  Beyond these doors was a petite shop of chocolate, from the rough blocks of dark chocolate to the artfully sculpted truffles and other various sweet treats...wish I could take a quick trip across space-time for an afternoon bicycling atop the park-like city walls and lazily roaming the cozy city streets.  Alas!

12 December 2011

Holiday Shaped cookies

There's something about making holiday-shaped cookies that make this time a little more whimsical and fun...
The first time I ever made sugar cookies--and I appreciate them more now.  I never really cared much for them, but good ones are hard to come by-- and when done right, they are perfectly moist, with the right amount of sweet (which, for me, is a generous sprinkle of cinnamon sugar).

Curious to try this with gingerbread flavors, nutmeg, and glaze.

06 December 2011

atop the GWB

July 2011

it might not look it, but it was a sweltering 96 degrees the day we climbed up the george washington bridge.  bridge-building is one fascinating form or architecture.

05 December 2011

it's an oq coffee holiday...

at the Schellacks! and this year, we had a fortunate mishap leading to a surprising change in ribbon-age.  We think it looks classy and festive:

We even up-ed it with a fancy stamp.  Thanks to some amazing friends who pulled it off with us.
To see it stacked up against last years, see 2010 last year's OQ box

to get your hands on one of these, visit OQ Coffee ;)