31 August 2010

Bent Spoon

If you're after a cool summer treat in central Jersey, look no further than the Bent Spoon in Princeton, NJ (unless you're looking for delicious iced toddy, that is--then you go to oqcoffee.com)

Family was in town and I offered to treat them to some gelato.  Still full from lunch, the gang said, "oh, no, Jessica--we'll just have a bite of yours."  Little did they know, this not your average serving of gelato.

After everyone had their little licks of honey sage and blueberry passionfruit*, dad disappeared into the Bent Spoon with Amy trailing behind.  Mom sat on the bench, but soon enough, she disappeared too.  Minutes they, they returned with the following:

more photos from the life-changing experience:

*all from NJ; some as close as the garden across the street at Princeton U--except passionfruit, but hey!  Sometimes you need a little from the tropics to jazz it up.

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