24 August 2012

Family Dinner

very few places will take a reservation for 22 people...who knew?!

Between the conversations, we were also much entertained by the good, old game of "Telephone".  Among the many "important messages" to send around the table, one went something like this:  "There's an alien in my ear and It was so bad that It won't get Christmas presents this year."...or something like that.

And below, just another wonderful exchange of words:

23 August 2012

Mt. Hood

on the road again...

one of the best parts of this trip was the great conversation we had driving all over Oregon -- that is, if you were awake ;) we took turns.

We stopped for a break near the top of Mt. Hood on our way back from Sunriver.  Ben picked me a flower.

22 August 2012

elevation check.

Grandpa Joe worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  And the U.S. Department of Agriculture puts in these awesome looking elevation checks.  I have a photo of something just like this in Taipei, Taiwan -- I'll have to dig it up!

and up here, this is what it looks like:

makes you feel kinda small...

Crater Lake (Mount Mazama)

through the thicket and around the bend, there is a lake that is the deepest blue

19 August 2012


17 August 2012


the deepest of purples hydrangea bushes perch along the edges of the Lobdells' "creek"

16 August 2012


and a very warm one, it was!

so much delicious food, beautiful gardens, paths, sunsets, and even better company.

Lobdell's, 2012

Corn and Chevy

After picking up Aunt Sandy, we stopped for super sweet white corn in Mollala off the bed of a Chevy 6500, c.1950s

Multanomah Falls

15 August 2012

how does your garden grow?

black-eyed susans and daises from the Ebel Garden -- one of many beautiful bouquets around the house

city of portland: let the cafe marathon begin

waiting in the epic Voodoo Doughnuts line

maybe they'll sell OQ Coffee ;]

you may now assemble your bike

welcome to PDX...you may now assemble your bicycle!

04 August 2012


to vacation!

Last year our "big" vacation was The Honeymoon.  This is the train ticket that sent us on our way home last June (2011) after the time of our life.  This year, the Schellacks are off to Oregon in August.  The ticket won't be as neat, but the trip is sure to be both adventurous and relaxing.