05 February 2012

Frittata di Schellack

A delicious mistake: (serves 4)

Frittata di Schellack

della Cucina Schellack 
serves 4, Oven = brolier-low

  • eggs (6)
  • spinach (10oz)
  • diced tomatoes (4 pealed plum)
  • mozzarella
  • drunken goat (hard) cheese to sprinkle
whisk eggs. coat spinach in it.   throw into a large cast iron. toss everything else into it.
cook on stove until set. (med-low, ~5 minutes; do NOT overcook! it should still be runny)
move to oven until eggs are just cooked through. (cheese should be ever so slightly brown).
sprinkle hard cheese on top.

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