14 January 2012

Cranberry scones with wheat germ

I never really liked scones, but stepping out the comfort zone after having been inspired after a week of delicious baked goods down in FL, I set forth.  For a decently healthy scone, based on the feedback, they were a success!

(recipe modified from allrecipes "simple scones" and epicurous)
Makes 8, Oven = 400°


  • 1.5 c AP flour 
  • 0.5 c wheat germ 
  • 1/4 c sugar (this is already decreased sugar) 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda 
  • 1/2 tsp salt 

  • 8 tbsp unsalted butter, frozen (just so you can grate it in) 
  • 1/2 cup craisins (or dried currants) 
  • 1 tbsp orange zest 
whisk together first, then add:
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (alt. mix proportions w yogurt) 
  • splash of orange juice 
  • 1 large egg 
Don't overmix. Once clumpy, make into ball. Place on lightly floured surface (either my counter or silpat <-- best friend) and cut into (8) triangles.

Place on cookie sheet and sprinkle w/ sugar. Pop in for ~15 minutes.
Let 'em cool for a little, then serve warm! with tea or coffee [:

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