25 July 2011

A trip to the Moon --Revisiting Roots

This was pretty ambitious, but I was determined to do it: Black Bean Mooncake, Taiwanese-style!

I must admit:  I am pretty proud of these--mostly because a certain someone (Benjamin) loved them! I snagged the recipe (and then modified it, of course) somewhere from the interwebs, which, who knew: it's impossible to find a good recipe for this.  So perhaps, I'll come back one day and write it out.  The most difficult part of the mooncake fiasco?  -->trying to purchase a rolling pin.

14 July 2011

Blueberry March

Thurs, 30 June
Everyday, since we've returned from Italy, Ben has made a SMOOTHIE (without fail).
We purchased a flat of BLUEBERRIES since they were on sale (can I get a "'hooray' for harvest season in NJ!"?) and threw them in the freezer.  Anytime a smoothie (or SORBET!) needs to be made... voila!  These little suckers are perfect for any LITTLE SUMMER TREAT.

Castellina Curb Quartet

Sat, 11 June
Okay, okay...I know this can't pass off as food, but a GIANT TUBA on the curb of a small Italian hill city was just too beautiful to keep to myself:

Castellina in Chianti

Sat, 11 June
Italy isn't just about wine, but it definitely knows how to do it right.
Wildflowers, and vino, and soaps, OH my...!

Clear Flour Bakery - Boston

Sat, 9 April 2011
Off to Boston for an APA Conference.  Stayed with some friends in Brookline, and of course, had to stop at:

who also offers Terroir coffee.  Good to know good coffee and baked goods are slowly coming into people's lives.  Get a chocolate croissant here...or hallah bread.  So good.
Now, we just need OQ Coffee to open up shop in New Brunswick, NJ.