15 June 2011

ruins of ancient italy

while our absolutely unforgettable stay at Podere Patrignone, we took one morning to take an easy hike across the hills, with one big, furry horse of a dog tagging along on our heels.

13 June 2011

Volterra Bicycle Parking

because in Italy, it's always better with a bottle of vino ;]

03 June 2011

a beautiful mess

after hours of late-night construction, Rachel, Adel, Shayne, and Abby (who dominated flower-design and construction) have secured (thanks to Pete) a beautiful trunk full of flowers for the wedding--they were beyond gorgeous, in anyone's opinion.

While all these girls made it happen, check out Adel's site--she's up for hire, if you're lucky!

two of the most delicious things in life...

of course, had to be showcased at the wedding: coffee and chocolate!

A small mason jar of a single-origin from OQ Coffee and impulse bars, 70% dark from Green & Black's organic.
Being that I am back-dating this entry, I am recalling from memory the amazing friends who executed this and made all the things during Wedding Season and the wedding itself go off without a hitch, many things which we were not aware of until waay after the day--some, we may never even know!  We are so immensely blessed beyond imagination.   And beyond these things, continue to be thankful for incredible friendships and support. Thank God!