29 March 2011


It took three semesters to finally come across "eXtropia".  The story of eXtropia itself is rather fascinating, in a convoluted, tangled history of "parents" Selena Sol and Gunther Birznieks.  I'll leave it at that. 
Anyway, this is a very different post:  not food, not photography.  Nonetheless, it is something "new", and is worth sharing.  Reading anything on computers, programming and databases are never fun.  I repeat:  never fun!  But at least these guys make it easier.
Check it out, if you're a data geek: eXtropia

19 March 2011

march of the [littlest] carrots

So we dropped seeds for carrots last spring and decided to let them "over-winter"... it is very comical to see what we've produced.  See Exhibit A below:

Exhibit A -  littlest carrots in size order: from tiniest to tiny
Next time, we'll use sandy-er soil :D

14 March 2011

Spring = Running Outdoors

After four weeks of being sick, running is as refreshing as a tall glass of water!
Going for 65-minutes turned out 7.84 miles.
Johnson Park & DnR Canal tow path, Highland Park NJ

10 March 2011

Cupcake Craze

Warming up February with...chocolate!

peanut butter frosting dominated this cupcake
...topped with a triangle treat of italian chocolate*

*thanks for Rob who took the photo before they disappeared