26 April 2010

Hot Dark Chocolate

Now, you may be wondering, "what is so special about that?"
Well let me tell you! First, this is no ordinary hot chocolate. For starters, it's hot dark chocolate. And it's not just hot dark chocolate, it's really good hot dark chocoalte. It is made from:

2.00 tbsp - Askinosie single origin cacao powder from Davao, Philippines
1.25 tsp - Gunter's buckwheat honey
4.00 oz - 2% (organic) milk
3.00 oz - boiling water

No rules here, you should know how to make hot chocolate...but I'd feel bad if I didn't offer my suggestion: Pour a scotch of hot water (like 2 tbsp) over the cacao powder to make a thick syrupy-like texture...not too much, but enough that it's like honey...OH! How convenient...then add the honey, steamed milk (it doesn't have to be, you could add it straight from the jug, so as long as you have that water boiling still on the stove), and the rest of the water.
Voila! Perfection, in 6 minutes.

**this isn't very sweet at all, esp. compared to hot cocoa powder mixes you've probably had in the past. But give it a try, it's pure, chocolate goodness

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