03 May 2009

Potato chips...

I made some.

So, I was scheduled to work with Numi Organic Tea but they ended up having more people than they had tea to sample. I left this woman my number, pretty much getting the point that she need not any more help and said she would call if they needed anything. I was off the hook and left to roam the festival for the rest of the day! I got there around 1:15pm, planning to catch the speakers on issues of sustainability in government during which I would attempt to weasel my way into networking, which I did and then went to my Numi shift so I had about half of the day---perfect for what I wanted to do. Then I actually helped out with the Green Festival itself: re-packaging goods, breaking down tents, and the very unique and absurdly bonding experience of sorting out trash into
-cliff bar wrappers
-plastic bottle caps.
Met some fun people there.
I heard from exhibitors that this was the smallest one yet, mainly in large part to it being Denver's first year versus the eighth year in San Francisco or Chicago or... Regardless, everyone had a great time and I thought it went rather well. Definitely on the sparse side of attendees (~11,000 compared to 30,000). But it was great and I bumped into several ppl I knew. Who knew I even knew this many people in Denver?!

Anyways, the point here tonight is to document my chip-making experience :)
Pretty simple and short , as I started at nearly 10:30 at night. Womp. But I was up for it!
1- I used red potatoes... in the future, I'll use these for more savory things...like in stews or something. I'm not sure they fared too well being broiled/baked (I'll avoid frying if I can help it).
2- I tried 2 different thicknesses. Either you'll have to be extra careful, or I wouldn't slice 'em thinner than 3/16" (I say this b/c someone may freak out and think 1/8" is too thick :P
3- Some say you should salt the slices and let them sit for a bit to "sweat" then rinse, them salt again. Seems pretty useless since I found it helpful to leave them moist.
4- Used butter on one batch, EVOO for another--they baked fine either way, but I think I prefer EVOO.
5-I started baking, but switched to the broiler. It's a cheat, but works miracles.
6- I played around w/ some herbs!
from paprika to tarragon, so I actually would know what each of them do to food.
Overall, a fun time.
Oh, and so I ate my chips with a bowl of RT tomato bisque.

OH! and I bought a peppermint plant a few weeks ago, when David and I went to Sunflower Market. It makes my tea pretty and delicious. :)

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