23 November 2008

Dim Sum

Dim Sum w/ Prateek = delicious and reminded me of home

Tattered Cover for an afternoon of good reading

Larimer Market for some tea and blueberry crumb cake

T-4 days until Thanksgiving. I'll have a ton to add to dinner table conversation: about how I'm not working--NOT. womp, womp.

Isaiah 65:17

Saturday in Denver

So Saturdays off in Denver is a new thing to me. This past one was actually only my second one since moving to Colorado! But let me tell you how fantastic it was, disregarding the fact that I'm currently unemployed and back to the job search.

8AM-1PM: Helped out at the Colorado Aids Project foodbank...How? UM Alumni newsletter told me to and I thought, "hey, this could abate the pain from a highly potenial upsetting result of the annual season finale vs. OSU." I met some pretty rad people, unintentionally made some contacts and it was altogether a really great yet humbling, still, experience. I consider myself pretty thankful of the simple things I get by with in life but I think everyone should check themselves from time to time because why not feel grateful about life as often as possible? Plus, when do you not feel good about helping others--even if it requires a sacrifice.

3:30-5:30PM: Today marks the end of Denver Arts Week which I did not experience as much in depth as I would have liked. Alas! I caught a free admission to the Museum of Contemporary Art which was enlightening and renewing--for I finally had time to think of issues other than, "How can we turn out the largest percentage of student voters in the next four weeks?" and walking the rooftop terrace was, ironically, the pinnacling experience which really made me miss architecture!
I then went to the Tattered Cover for a Larabar and Chai latte to accompany me for the next couple of hours as I flipped through "Good" magazine and read the Lemon Tree.

8-11PM: Karie and I had dinner over in the Highlands with Rebecca and Armando. Goodness, was the food and conversation filling. Well, the food was more delicious as Rebecca topped off the evening with her famous hot, hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and the coversation reaffirmed and clarified beliefs and ideals.

Thank God for a wonderful Saturday...now all I need is a job. But for now, I'll enjoy it while it lasts--right Chase?